(Retrieved from www.forbes.com)
Did you know that one third of all food produced annually gets wasted? In Singapore alone, we produce almost 1,000,000 tones of wasted food annually! That’s the weight of 1420 fully loaded Airbus A380s!
This post for the day, we will be covering the negative aspects of food waste on our environment, economy and society.
Environmentally, all the resources used to cultivate food get wasted. Around the same amount of water as the flow of the Volga river annually is used to grow wasted food. Deforestation occurs to make space for landfills, affecting natural habitats. Greenhouse gasses are also emitted by decomposing food, resulting in global warming and climate change!
(Retrieved from www.fao.org)
Economically, a whopping 750 billion US dollars of food is wasted! Imagine what that amount of money can do to help the needy! In countries like Singapore and the Emirates, where resources and land are scarce, even more money is spent on importing wasted food, resulting in greater economic losses! It’s as good as throwing money down the drain.
The following video by the United Nations(UN) explains in further detail of the economic losses of food waste! It also goes into detail of costs of food waste that cannot be calculated in monetary terms!
Lastly, the main effect on our society is needless hunger. The world’s population that are in need could be fed and supported with the amount of food that had gone to waste! Extra food could have been given to the needy instead or at least sold at a cheaper rate.
(Retrieved from www.coldstarlogistics.com)
Lastly, do take a look at this video done by Tristram Stuart at TED on the topic of food waste! He points out the food waste situation in multiple countries and also the process of how and where food is being wasted!
Thanks for reading and do check out my previous posts on how to reduce food waste!